Buying a new car is exciting all on its own, so prepare to get even more excited with Ford’s Drive Smart Save Smart program. When you purchase your new Ford vehicle from West Coast Ford Lincoln, you will receive a gas card from Esso. This gas card locks the price of fuel in at $0.95/L.
How can you be part of this great program? Simply begin by purchasing your new qualifying Ford vehicle. Upon purchase you will receive your ESSO gas card. When you go to top up your gas tank, stop by an ESSO gas station and give the attendant your card before filling up. This card will lock the price of fuel in at $0.95/L to help you save instantly. For example if you find gas is teetering around $1.50/L don’t fret. By popping into your ESSO station and using this card before filling up, you can save $0.55/L. This offer is valid for one year or a certain number of litre depending on the qualifying vehicle purchased.
Here at West Coast Ford Lincoln we are all about saving you money, but now we want to help you save at the fuel pump. Ford already boasts some of the most efficient engines on the market today from their excellent V6 line to an array of ECOBoost options; but with fuel prices fluctuating all the time, it’s nice to know that you’re locked in at only $0.95/L. Stop by today for more details about the Drive Smart, Save Smart event happening now!
Nick Davis
General Sales Manager
West Coast Ford Lincoln