Distracted driving is a factor in over 4 million vehicle crashes in North America each year. West Coast Ford Lincoln actively promotes distraction-free driving and is committed to raising awareness of its dangers by joining the Auto Dealers Against Distracted Driving Campaign. The team at West Coast Ford Lincoln is taking it upon themselves to engage in the conversation about what distracted driving is and why it needs to be eliminated from our roadways 100%.

This March, hundreds of dealers across the country will work together to raise awareness of positive driving habits in their local communities. As a part of the car industry, West Coast Ford Lincoln has a responsibility to educate its local community and region about the hazards of driving and distracted driving is something they are asking all their customers to take a stand against!
Auto Dealers Against Distracted Driving aims to educate and encourage behavioural change with drivers at the community level. Every pledgereceived this year against distracted driving will result in a $1 donation towards education and research on road safety. Proceeds from the dollar-per-pledge initiative will go to the Traffic Injury Research Foundation (TIRF).
The Traffic Injury Research Foundation (TIRF) is Canada’s national, independent road safety research institute. Established as a registered charity in 1964, the TIRF is a world leader in research, program and policy development, evaluation, and knowledge transfer.
We ask you to join us in the fight against distracted driving and do what you can to prevent it! Following the link below to take a pledge for distracted-free driving and help make the roads a safer place!
Join us and pledge to take the wheel, not a life!
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West Coast Ford Lincoln